Parking in Katowice. Paid Parking Areas
All you have to know about the parking policy in Katowice, including the new paid parking area. How much does it cost? Where can you park your car? How much is one hour of parking in the downtown? Where to park for an entire day or a month? And what changes should be expected starting from the end of 2023?
1. Paid Parking Area in Katowice
If you want to park in the city center of Katowice, you have to expect to pay for parking. The new paid parking area, valid from the 1st of December 2023, is bigger than the previous one. The area is split into two zones: A and B.
- ZONE A – Downtown Paid Parking Area
- ZONE B – Rest of the City Center
Parking rates
Zone A
- up to 30 min. – 3 PLN
- 30-60 min. – 6 PLN
- 2nd hour – 7.20 PLN
- 3rd hour – 8.40 PLN
- every next hour – 6 PLN
When do you have to pay?
Monday to Saturday (except from bank holidays) from 7 AM to 5 PM.
Zone B
- up to 30 min. – 2 PLN
- 30-60 min. – 4 PLN
- 2nd hour – 4.80 PLN
- 3rd hour – 5.60 PLN
- every next hour – 4 PLN
When do you have to pay?
Monday to Friday (except from bank holidays) from 7 AM to 5 PM.
How can you pay?
You can pay either:
- in the parking meter (in both cash or card)
- or via the following mobile apps: mPay, moBilet, Anypark, skyCash (mobiParking), ePARK, Flowbird

The payment will be supervised by special cars with a license plate scanner. If you fail to pay or exceed the parking time, you’ll get an extra parking fee.
2. Public Transport Hubs
If you search for another option, you can leave the car in one of the transportation hubs out of the very city center. With a valid public transport ticket, parking there is free of charge.
The hubs in Katowice are the following:
- Katowice Sądowa
- Katowice Ligota
- Katowice Zawodzie
- Katowice Brynów
3. Subscription For Residents
Residents living in the paid parking area can get a special paid subscription that allows them to park for free. It’s called „Parkingowa karta mieszkańca” (Resident Parking Card).
Zone A
To get a parking subscription when living in the downtown, you must:
- have permanent residence registration (zameldowanie na pobyt stały) within the Zone A
- have a temporary residence registration (zameldowanie na pobyt tymczasowy) AND settle your tax report in Katowice
With a subscription in Zone A, you can also park for free in the Zone B (anywhere in these zones, not as it’s been before in the closest two streets).
Zone B
Here it works the same way, to get the card you must:
- have a permanent residence registration (zameldowanie na pobyt stały) within the Zone B
- have temporary residence registration (zameldowanie na pobyt tymczasowy) AND settle your tax report in Katowice
With this subscription, you can ONLY park in Zone B (anywhere in the zone).
One Resident Parking Card allows you to park only one car. You must be the owner or has the right to use it.
You don’t need a physical card, everything is registered in the online system of MZUM.
Cards will be valid from the 1st of December. There will also be special parking spots for the holders of the Resident Parking Card.
How Much Does The Card Cost?
The prices are the following:
1 month | 3 months | 6 months | |
Zone A | 20 PLN | 50 PLN | 100 PLN |
Zone B | 10 PLN | 25 PLN | 50 PLN |
How To Apply?
Here you can find information on how to apply. Here you can submit your application.
If you live in Katowice, but outside Zone A or B and, and you would like to get the subscription, you must:
- have a permanent residence registration (zameldowanie na pobyt stały) in Katowice
- OR settle your tax report in Katowice
You can get a subscription for Zones A and B or just B.
4. Paid Parking For Entrepreneurs
If your company is registered in zone A or B, you can either get a parking card or buy the dedicated parking spot called „koperta”.
If you get a parking card, it allows you to park a car in zones A and B (if your company is registered in zone A) or only in zone B (if your company is registered in zone B). It costs 700 PLN per month and allows you to park only one car.
If you prefer a dedicated spot, it’ll be marked with a yellow rectangle with a cross. Next to the parking spot, you’ll also find the parking sign so an unauthorized person cannot park there.
There are two types of them: valid 24/7 and valid only from 7 AM till 5 PM from Monday to Friday.
The prices are the following:
24/7 | 7 AM – 5 PM | |
Zone A | 1500 PLN | 800 PLN |
Zone B | 1000 PLN | 500 PLN |
5. Parking For People With Disabilities
In the area of the municipal paid parking, you can also find special parking spots for people with disabilities. This kind of spot is covered with blue paint and a picture of a person in a wheelchair. Also, there is a sign informing about that spot.
These special parking spots are free of charge. If you want to use that parking spot, you must possess a disabled person parking card issued based on Polish law (The Traffic Code from 20.06.1997). Occupying the spot without permission/valid parking card is punishable by a fine in the amount of 800 PLN.

6. Other Parking Areas In Katowice
Finding a free parking spot in the city center may be a challenge, especially in working hours, so here are some of big parking areas in the city where you can park your car.
Parking in the Culture Zone
The parking is dedicated to visitors of NOSPR and the International Congress Center but as it’s so close to the city center, many people arriving in Katowice leave their car there.
- Olimpijska 11, Katowice
- 24/7
- around 750 parking spots
- 6PLN / h
The parking is paid Mon-Fri, 6:30 AM to 5 PM
Galeria Katowicka Shopping Center
The car park in Galeria Katowicka is open 24/7. It has 1,200 parking spaces. Between 7 AM and 10 PM, the first hour is free, every additional hour costs 4 PLN.
- 3 Maja 30, Katowice (the entrance from Słowackiego Street)
- 24/7
- 450 PLN / month
Katowice Resident Card holders receive 30% discount.
Supersam Shopping Center
Same as Galeria Katowicka, the car park in Supersam is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It offers 380 parking spaces. The first hour is free and every other hour costs 3 PLN.
- Piotra Skargi 6A, Katowice
- 24/7
- 270 PLN / month + VAT 23%