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How can foreigners get vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine in Poland?

Since the 8th of May, all people over 18 can register for the vaccination, foreigners also.  Check our step-by-step guide of how to go through the whole process.

Basic information

All foreigners with a residence permit can get a vaccination the same as Polish citizens.  The only requirement is to have a temporary or permanent residence permit.

In Poland we have four types of vaccines, all accepted in the European Union:

  • Astra Zeneca 
  • Pfizer / BioNTec
  • Moderna
  • Johnson&Johnson

How can you register?

You can register on your own or someone can register for you. So if you don’t speak Polish, don’t hesitate to ask a friend for help!

You have few options to choose:

  • via the dedicated helpline
  • via SMS
  • on your Individual Patient’s Account 
  • directly at a vaccination point

Registration guidline

Here are the guidelines for registering for all possible ways, so you can choose the one that suits you best:

1. Helpline

The helpline number is 989. If you don’t have a polish phone number, you can call this number 22 62 62 989. The helpline is free and works 24/7.

Workers in the helpline speak:

  • Polish 
  • English
  • Russian 
  • Ukrainian

Unfortunately, when you call, the first automated steps are only in Polish and you can’t choose an English speaking consultant. You have to call and try speaking with the consultant in English, if he or she doesn’t understand, please try again.

Okay, now let’s go through the whole process:

  1. Prepare your PESEL number and your phone number. 
  2. Call 989 or 22 62 62 989. 
  3. Follow the steps:
    – if you want to register, click 1
    – if you want to change the date of your appointment, click 2
  4. Tell the consultant your PESEL, when you would like to get vaccinated and where.
  5. Tell the consultant your phone number.
  6. Confirm the date and time.
  7. After the call, you’ll receive an SMS with the confirmation of your appointment.

If your friend is going to register for you, just tell them your PESEL, this will be enough to register. In the same way you can also register other family members.

Don’t worry if you can’t get through to the hotline, the consultant will call you back automatically.

You’ll find more info on the official website by clicking here.

2. SMS

If you don’t speak Polish we think this method will be the easiest one. Just remember that you can only register a maximum of 3 people per one phone number.

What you have to do to register via SMS:

  1. Send an SMS with a text: SzczepimySie to 880 333 333 or 664 908 556. 
  2. Then you’ll receive an answer where you’ll be asked to send your PESEL number.
  3. Send the PESEL number back.
  4. Then you’ll be asked to send your postal code so you can get to a point closest to you. It can either be in 40-000 or 40000 form.
  5. Then you’ll receive a message with:
    – the closest possible date
    – the address of the vaccination point
    – the hour of the vaccination
  6. If you accept that, just send back TAK (yes). You’ll receive an answer that your vaccination is confirmed
  7. If the date, hour, and place doesn’t suit you, send NIE (no) and they will propose another date and place. You have a maximum of 5 minutes to answer the first message!

If after the confirmation of the visit, you would like to change the date, hour or place of your vaccination, just call the hotline and choose option 2. 

If you enter the wrong PESEL number or postal code, you’ll receive information back with the request to correct it.

You’ll find more info on the official website by clicking here.

3. Internet Patient’s Account

Internetowe Konto Pacjenta (IKP) – The Internet Patient’s Account is used not only to register for the vaccine, but also to check your prescriptions or your medical history.

To register via the IKP:

  1. Go to:
  2. Choose SZYBKA REJESTRACJA (fast register). Via this way, you can register, but you cannot cancel your visit.
  3. Enter your surname, PESEL number, and phone number to register. 
  4. If you have a profil zaufany – trusted profile, this is a Polish online confirmation of your identity. You can register via IKP.
    You can open one via your Polish bank account, here are the instructions
  5. On this website click “Zaloguj się” (login):
  6. Log in with your trusted profile and choose from many dates, hours, and places for the vaccination. Over there you can also choose with which vaccine you want to be vaccinated.
  7. Confirm the appointment by clicking on TAK (yes).
  8. Later you’ll receive an email and SMS with a confirmation of the appointment.

4. Vaccination point

Lastly, you can register directly at a vaccination point. 

How to do this?

  1. Choose a point closest to you on this website;
  2. Call the point (the number is on the website above) or go there directly and register at the registration point.

How to prepare for a visit?

If you already have a date for your visit, you will also need to fulfil a questionnaire. It’s only in Polish, but here is our translation, that will help you to choose the right answer. 


Answer TAK (YES) or NIE (NO)


  • Czy w ciągu ostatnich 3 miesięcy miała Pani/miał Pan dodatni wynik testu genetycznego lub antygenowego w kierunku wirusa SARS-CoV-2?

    Did you have a COVID-19 genetic or antigen test with a positive result in the last 3 months?
  • Czy w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni miała Pani/miał Pan bliski kontakt lub mieszka z osobą, która uzyskała dodatni wynik testu genetycznego lub antygenowego w kierunku wirusa SARS-CoV-2 lub mieszka z osobą, która miała w tym okresie objawy COVID-19 (wymienione w pyt. 3–5)?

    Did you have contact with a person who has tested positive (with either genetic or antigen test) or have you lived with a person who had COVID-19 symptoms (listed in point 3-5), in the last 14 days?
  • Czy w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni miała Pani/miał Pan podwyższoną temperaturę ciała lub gorączkę?

    Did you have a fever or higher temperature in the last 14 days?
  • Czy w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni występował u Pani/Pana nowy, utrzymujący się kaszel lub nasilenie kaszlu przewlekłego z powodu rozpoznanej choroby przewlekłej?

    Did you have a lingering cough or the intensification of the cough due to a chronic condition in the last 14 days?
  • Czy w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni wystąpiła u Pani/Pana utrata węchu lub odczucia smaku?

    Did you lose your sense of smell or taste in the last 14 days?
  • Czy otrzymała Pani/otrzymał Pan jakąkolwiek szczepionkę w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni?

    Did you get any kind of vaccine in the last 14 days?
  • Czy Pani/Pan czuje się dzisiaj przeziębiony lub ma biegunkę, wymioty?

    Do you feel sick today or do you have diarrhea or vomiting?


  • Czy dziś czuje się Pani/Pan chora/chory? (pomiar temperatury ciała wykonany w punkcie szczepień: …).

    Do you feel sick today? (your temperature, check in the vaccination point: … degrees Celsius).
  • Czy wystąpiła u Pani/Pana kiedykolwiek ciężka niepożądana reakcja po szczepieniu (dotyczy również pierwszej dawki szczepionki przeciwko COVID-19)? Jeśli tak, jaka?

    Have you ever had an allergic reaction to any kind of vaccine (even after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine)? If yes, what it was?
  • Czy rozpoznano u Pani/Pana uczulenie na glikol polietylenowy (PEG), polisorbat lub inne substancje wchodzące w skład szczepionki?

    Have you ever had an allergic reaction to Polyethylene glycol (PEG), Polysorbate, or any other substances that can be found in the vaccine?
  • Czy w przeszłości rozpoznano u Pani/Pana ciężką, uogólnioną reakcję alergiczną (wstrząs anafilaktyczny) po podaniu leku, pokarmu, po ukąszeniu przez owada?

    Have you ever had a severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to something other than a component of COVID-19 vaccine or any vaccine or injectable medication? This would include food, pet, venom, environmental, or oral medication allergies.
  • Czy występuje u Pani/Pana zaostrzenie choroby przewlekłej?

    Do you have a worsening of any chronic disease?
  • Czy otrzymuje Pani/Pan leki obniżające odporność (immunosupresyjne, doustne kortykosteroidy – np. prednizon, deksametazon), leki przeciw nowotworom złośliwym (cytostatyczne), leki zażywane po przeszczepieniu narządu, radioterapię (napromienianie) lub leczenie biologiczne z powodu zapalenia stawów, nieswoistego zapalenia jelita (np. choroby Crohna) lub łuszczycy?

    Do you take any medicine that weakens the immune system, medicine for cancer, transplantation, X-ray therapy, or rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease or psoriasis?
  • Czy choruje Pani/Pan na hemofilię lub inne poważne zaburzenia krzepnięcia?

    Do you have hemophilia or blood coagulation disability?
  • Czy rozpoznano u Pani/Pana małopłytkowość indukowaną heparyną (HIT) lub zakrzepicę żył mózgowych?

    Do you have heparin induced thrombocytopenia or cerebral venous sinus thrombosis?
  • (tylko dla Pań) Czy jest Pani w ciąży?

    (Only for women) Are you pregnant?
  • (tylko dla Pań) Czy karmi Pani dziecko piersią?

    (Only for women) Are you breastfeeding?

We know that’s a lot of information. Of course, if you need any help or have any questions, feel free to contact us!

We hope you’ll find it  useful. If so feel free to share it with your friends.

Stay safe!

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